Depictions of DN

Depictions of DN started as a social media campaign where we asked the Doncaster Community to nominate key workers or people who have gone above and beyond during the pandemic.

11 of these key workers were selected to take part in a film by James Lockey, which was accompanied by a musical score written by Hayley Youell. The score featured the South Yorkshire Police Band, The Doncaster Choral Society and the Swag/Swaglets Choir (darts).

Depictions of DN

A film by James Lockey and musical score by Hayley Youell

Throughout 2020 and 2021 we received nominations for key workers and members of the community who had gone above and beyond during the pandemic. Below are all the nominations put forward and their stories.


Pauline Denton

"She voluntarily runs/organises Monday Smile A While social group in Thorne. A much needed group for people who would otherwise be alone. During the lockdown she continued the group activities, delivering craft making, quizzes, afternoon teas. She even held a 90th birthday surprise party. Pauline herself has physical disabilities that make her work even more remarkable! She took a lot of persuading to allow me to nominate her but she richly deserves the recognition!"

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Sarah Fletcher

“She is a Senior Leader in A Primary School in Doncaster. She has worked tirelessly through out the pandemic. She is a wonderful daughter mother wife and sister.”

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Colette Marris

“I would like to nominate Colette Marris who is a staff nurse at Sheffield Childrens hospital. Incredible person / mummy and friend to all”


Susan Durant and the team of volunteers

“Susan and the amazing team of volunteers have been working delivering over 7000 food parcels throughout the pandemic. The food parcels have been done through the charity ‘Moorends Miners Welfare & Community Development Centre’ which Susan manages.
Susan says ‘The volunteers are the real heroes as without their commitment we could not have provided the support that we have to our local communities’. We also delivered activity packs, put Easter eggs in food parcels and for vulnerable pensioners delivered cupcakes, cookies and roses on Valentine’s Day with special festive hampers at Christmas with cards made by the schools”

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Charlotte Wigglesworth

“She loves the friendly community of Thorne. She has faced difficulties with drug shortages, increased prescription volumes, more minor ailment referrals, increased delivery demand. Some abuse from patients She’s had to manage patients fears and anxieties. But she has also experienced many positives: many lovely understanding patients, a great working team who have embraced the challenges and knuckled down. Lots of treats from patients.”

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Catherine Grace

“Catherine was organising the production and distribution of food and hygiene parcels to asylum seekers in Doncaster during the summer. I've had the pleasure of volunteering alongside her when helping with gardening for a mother and child HMO. She is currently studying mechanical engineering at Sheffield Uni. A very social conscious and active human being that deserves recognition.”

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Akeela Din Mohammed DL

“Akeela is the Deputy lieutenant of South Yorkshire, Business Owner, Chaplin of Doncaster College, Coordinator for British Fencing, organiser of ladies only sports in Doncaster, Trustee for B:Friend, Conversation Club and Expect Youth. Founder of Healthy Her and Her Story. This woman is super human and always goes above and beyond for the community of Doncaster and Lockdown was of course no different This woman and makes Beyoncé look lazy.”

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Wendy Robinson

“I am writing to you to nominate my mother, who has gone above and beyond during this pandemic. My mother, Wendy Robinson, has worked tirelessly within the mental health team at ‘Safe Space’ ensuring that people are kept safe and well during this time, as well as helping them through difficult times in which they are having with their mental health, and much more beyond that. She has personally put herself out there for the safety and well-being of everyone around her.”

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Zaher Bonian

“Zaher made lots of masks for his local community! Giving up his free time and expertise. He has great technical skills and made super safe 3 layer masks to a high standard to protect us all.”

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Paveen Shafiq

“Paveen is a fantastic mom to 4 amazing children, she works and has a large extended family and is a valuable and vocal member of her local mosque. She also is an amazing lady who regularly raises money for causes and charities that are close to her heart. She has raised money for humanitarian causes overseas but also for our homeless here in Doncaster. Recently she has raised money for Doncaster Royal Infirmary to help the Endoscopy department. The Endoscopy department requested they would like to purchase an ECG machine for their department, as they were not allocated one. Their department has to regularly borrow the ECG machine from other departments or refer the patient for the ECG test. Due to the very sensitive endoscopy, gastroscopy procedures they carry out daily, some patients suffer from chest pain and this increases the chances of heart attack. Therefore, having an ECG machine on the department can be make a difference. They also wanted to provide lockers for the staff on the ward, as their valuables have been taken in the past due to the lack of a safe place for them. They did this through bake sales, sponsoring children she works and has a large extended family and is a valuable and vocal member of her local mosque. She is amazing!”


Stacey’s Collegues at DBTH hospitals

“Working full time plus overtime throughout a pandemic is tough. My colleagues have gotten sick, two colleagues in my hospital have even died from Covid. I am tired. I’m not on the front line, I can’t even imagine what that must be like. But I do think biomedical scientists working behind the scenes are forgotten about. So to all my workmates, you’re doing an amazing job and you’re all heroes in your own right.”

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Alison & Rob King

“Alison and Rob make a great team as both are very calming and caring people. Rob joined Alison in the family business and immediately made his mark in a spectacular way by building a seaside themed area in the garden together, complete with boat. It was a great hit with the children. Both Alison and Rob are dedicated to improving their skills and the service they offer to both parents and children in a professional but fun way.”

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Chris & Ian

“I would like to nominate Chris and Ian from Flintwood Church for the Right Up Our Street Award. The couple have been undertaking food shopping on a weekly basis to shielded / vulnerable residents throughout the pandemic to ensure that they don't have to leave their property unnecessarily. The group have been doing this in their own time along with having to do their own shopping, this has been of a great support to vulnerable residents during the pandemic as some residents do not have family who are able to do this for them, the residents they have supported are very grateful to Chris and Ian.”


Tom Bracha

“We’ve had so many ‘business heroes’ that have helped with NHS supply chains, those that have been really philanthropic, and firms that have been really innovative to keep business moving. A large local business has sponsored the incredible Tom Bracha from Colossal Catering has cooked hundreds (probably thousands) of free meals for NHS staff from his catering bus outside DRI.”


Callum Smales

“I really want to nominate my husband, Callum Smales. He’s a bin man in Doncaster and worked all the way through! I was pregnant at the time of lockdown and quite unwell and he looked after me and our son, the house, did the food shop, went to work, even doing overtime! He’s the most selfless man I know and even with his own health issue he never once moaned or complained. He’s a hero in our house and deserves this recognition.”


Chris Wolsey

“I would like to nominate my mum Chris Wolsey who has worked all through the pandemic in a care home, who also tested positive to covid and lost her mum who lived in the care home and still had to go back to work there after. She thinks about everyone else before herself. I'm so proud of her.”


Emma Lucy

“Emma is part of the wonderful team at Communication Specialist College Doncaster. Emma has been running fantastic ‘Wellbeing Wednesday’ sessions on the College Facebook through live videos during the lockdown period. Focusing on all things mindfulness and yoga!”


Charlotte Prior

“I would like to nominate Charlotte Prior. She’s a primary school teacher and has worked so hard over the last year to provide fantastic care and teaching to kids during a difficult year. She’s been a constant support for the students whether in school or at home and always has a smile on her face. Charlotte deserves a big thank you!”


Karen Lanaghan

“I nominate Karen Lanaghan, Lead Nurse for End-of-Life Care at Doncaster & Bassetlaw Teaching Hospitals for her tireless work and determination in continuing to help patients and families throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Initiatives included the use of Tablets & Ipads to keep loved ones in contact when physical visiting wasn’t allowed, and many other ideas such as appealing for people to make matching pairs of hearts and sending one out to patients during their stay and the other with a card to relatives.”

Janice Foster

“Janice is a trustee of the Conversation Club and one of the main organisers. Jan works tirelessly every day to help and support Refugee and Asylum seeker's families. She is a link from DCC to all other organisations such as DMBC, Red Cross, Refugee council Home office, and many more.

Jan has continued to attend meetings sort paperwork work with Nic and Julia Burne to ensure all the families they know are safe and well and are not struggling.”

Simaa Jebabli

“Simaa picked up the phone at all hours to interpret and also used her expertise as a dentist to signpost people with dental problems. She helped at saint Johns Church in Balby where they collected clothes and distributed food to those in need.”

Amanda Longstaff

“Amanda registered in May 2004 and lives in Woodlands. Amanda has a heart of gold with a bubbly and fun personality and has helped many childminders, both established and new, in the local area. Amanda is a very active member of the childminding community and is held in high regard by childminders in the area.

Amanda is always eager to attend information sharing sessions provided by Early Years and asks for clarification to ensure she keeps up to date with information relating to childminding and the childcare sector. Amanda is very quick to take in and understand new legislation relating to the childcare sector and once she fully understands it she is very supportive of others who may struggle.

Amanda is a great ambassador for childminding as she is professional, eager to learn, caring and supportive of others whilst asking for no praise for what she does, she just does it because she wants to help.”

Annette & Mick Shaw

“Annette registered in August 1995 and Mick joined Annette as a co-minder in December 2009, they live in Hatfield. Annette has always been a very active member of the community as she was involved in running the local play group and was a childminder mentor as she supported and advised new and established childminders in her locality until the mentor scheme ended.

Annette is a leader in the Scouts and is highly visible at local Scout parades and events. Mick came into childminding from working for the AA motor assistance company but soon became a fully- fledged member of the childminding community and is a vital part of the team in their childminding setting.

Both Annette and Mick put their heart and soul into providing a loving and caring setting for the children they look after and have become part of an extended family to some of the children.”


Heloise Pearce

“This is Heloise Pearce she worked tirelessly throughout at DRI, biking it there from Edlington, doing long shifts and biking it back home to her family. She won’t think she’s done anything other than the job she loves. But in my eyes she is amazing. A real life crazy cat lady super woman.”


Lynn Mills Brooks

Lynn is the Community Engagement Officer at Edlington Community Organisation. From day 1 of the start of this pandemic Lynn sprung into action! Where do I start? Not only did she collect donations of food from across the borough, she then delivered emergency food parcels through out the community. She makes up activity packs for all ages...again delivering these to vulnerable people. Arranging treasure and bear hunts around the village to keep the children entertain. As well as providing 100s of craft, baking and activity packs (to name a few)to families As well as running the food bank, community cupboard and weekly market. She never ever stops working for our community, she always has something exciting and wonderful planned. Always with a smile on her face, passion in her heart, a joke to tell and a prank to pull!


Sarah Banks-Wilson

“Sarah has worked her absolute socks off (she does anyway - look at her here embracing all kinds of weather conditions) but especially since lockdown began. The Royal Mail have been swamped - online deliveries have quadrupled but not only has Sarah delivered non essential items but she and all posties have been responsible for delivering essential life saving testing kits! Which have and do save lives! They literally can’t keep up with the demand and many are working overtime to meet the need.”

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Johanna Cross

“Johanna loves the way the children and parents of Barnby Dun Primary have been so adaptable and resilient to change. During lockdown she supported key worker children, often bringing in the young turkeys, chicks and ducklings she was raising at home. These put a smile on lots of children’s faces. In September the children returned to school and she helped them settle quickly in the new routines of hand washing, one way systems and lunchtime arrangements. Mrs Cross, along with the other teachers at Barnby Dun haven’t had a lunchtime themselves since the start of term, they have cared for the children in their bubble. She loves her job and all the children, parents and staff she works with.”

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Gavin Nicholl

“Gavin is a refugee integration worker for DMBC. He supports refugees who have had a positive decision with their asylum claim in the last 2 years but predominantly those who have just received status. He helps them with applications regarding benefits/housing/bank accounts/employment/health etc. He has also also been collecting and delivering food parcels to asylum seekers every week during the pandemic. He also runs a furniture project with a group of volunteers from the conversation club which I've had the pleasure of helping out with the heavy lifting from time to time, where they collect and distribute second hand furniture to help families/individuals who are starting their lives in their own accommodation. A very helpful and supportive soul that deserves recognition.”

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Naeela Baksh

“Naeela has been preparing fresh, nutritious meals for people in isolation since the very beginning of the Covid Crisis. Working in conjunction with projects like Manna, Food Aware, the Community Hub and Bentley Urban Farm, Naeela was helping to support up to fifty people a day at the height of lockdown.”

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Ali Khazaei

“Ali owns a butcher shop on Copley Road called Kians. Through Lockdown Ali has offered to supply meat and chicken for free to charities who were making food for the vulnerable and elderly. He then offered to help in the Ramadan food boxes project. He drove to Sheffield on 2 occasions to pick up supplies, through his warehouse connections got some free supplies and then he drove around Doncaster for 2 days delivering boxes of food. This took a few days out of his work time and offered his staff time too.”

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Julia Burne

“Julia is a retired GP and leads on health issues at the Conversation Club. Through lockdown she continued to support Asylum seekers and refugee families. Tirelessly working so hard for families in every way, from sorting finances, paperwork home office issues housing health appointments, and many more things day in day out. She is amazing.”

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Lynsey Hughes

“Lynsey is the Head of Primary Care and manages manage 7 GP practices. She’s faced increased demand by people worried about Covid, meaning all the normal sniffles and colds are now seeking appointments at the same time as the staff having to be off with Covid themselves or shielding. They’ve had increased complaints to deal with as patients are worried and upset they can’t access the building as they did before. They are supporting their community through these changes. They are now being asked to deliver the flu vaccine to 50-64 year olds and the Covid vaccine 7 days a week moving forward. As a team they are stronger than ever surviving on sweets, cakes and cuppa’s! The demand is endless but they keep stepping up.”

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Gerald Martin

I would like to nominate my father Gerald Martin, he is a truck driver. He has been working tirelessly over the past few months to provide for both his country and his family, and I just want him to know how much he means to all of us. He is such an amazing father, brother, son in law and husband, and we love him so much. He is so kind to everyone, and he never gives up on anything. My dad has suffered with his health in the past, but this has not stopped him from working hard during both the last 25 years, and during these different times.”

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Alison Maxfield

“Alison is a very cheerful and bubbly person with a ‘can-do’ attitude to childminding. Alison has endless enthusiasm for her work and is very involved with the ‘early years community’. She is endlessly supportive of the families she works with and is passionate about providing happiness and well-being for the children in her care. She is regarded as a joy to work with by all those who provide childcare. ‘Ali’s’ is an exciting place for children to spend their time, as a real home from home provision.”

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Tracey Leigh

“This is Tracey Leigh from St Paul’s Community Church, Durham Road. During the pandemic she has been providing food for local residents and families who have been struggling financially. The church has applied to funding to enable them to provide this much needed service throughout the pandemic, the church has helped a number of families in the Doncaster area who are truly grateful of their support. One particular family had been struggling due to being made redundant because of the pandemic, the church provided her with weekly food parcels until she got her benefits sorted. The family were very happy of the support and said the parcels had really helped alleviate some financial pressure.”

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Lynda Monaghan

“I think my colleague at the Chamber, Lynda Monaghan, is really worthy of recognition. We deliver something called Export Documentation at the Chamber, which is absolutely critical to ensure that businesses can export their goods legally and safely from the UK. Lynda has done this work dutifully for the Chamber and the borough for over twenty years and, in that time, will have facilitated the export of £100ms from goods from Doncaster. She’s a real unsung hero of the business community. Throughout Covid, Lynda are her colleagues have worked relentlessly to keep providing this vital service to businesses.”


Malcolm Hizzett

“My husband is a HGV driver at Maritime. He has worked throughout the pandemic as normal, Maritime delivers goods for Supermarkets and Amazon among other suppliers and as you can imagine they have worked extremely hard to ensure goods are there for consumers to buy in these difficult times. He has supported both myself who works for the NHS and our daughter who works for Yorkshire Ambulance Service. He has worked so hard along with his colleagues and i think the key worker HGV drivers are a forgotten but vital service.”


Claire Simpson

“I would like to nominate Claire Simpson, she is an entertainment co-ordinator at The Laurels Care Home. She has worked all through the pandemic making sure the elderly residents are happy and have plenty of entertainment to give them something to look forward to. She made face masks for everyone on her sewing machine, she also dressed as the Easter bunny last Easter and the grinch at Christmas running through the streets to put a smile on kids faces during lockdown. She did unfortunately end up with covid herself but was straight back to work once she was better, she is amazing!”


Ellie Bray

“I would like to nominate my colleague, Ellie Bray. She has worked throughout the pandemic alongside studying to become a qualified band 4 Nursing Assistant and has since qualified despite facing the pressures of the pandemic and staffing issues and ward pressures. Ellie works alongside myself on a male acute mental health inpatient ward and has worked tirelessly throughout. She has picked up extra shifts, covered for staff shortages and worked numerous nights, sacrificing spending time with her own family to do so. Ellie is a caring, passionate and enthusiastic lady and I couldn’t think of anyone more fitting to nominate for this.”


Cheryl Walton

“I’d like to nominate my friend Cheryl Walton who is a registrar at Doncaster Register Office. Cheryl and her colleagues have been busier than ever registering births and a sadly increased number of deaths over the pandemic. They have worked from home and when needed still gone in to work in the Civic Building helping those who have been bereaved to carry out the necessary processes. Cheryl is compassionate and caring in her dealing with people and I know that she and her colleagues are doing a great job in these trying times. I am proud to have her as my friend.”

Helena Honeybone

“We nominate Helena Honeybone who has been headteacher at Town Field Primary School since 2016. She has worked tirelessly since the onset of covid, not pausing for holidays or weekends, to ensure that the school's families are cared for. She has driven efforts to provide quality home education, organised access to devices and along with the school senior leadership team has provided in person support to families in need, whether that be through checking in or ensuring they have food packages. Helena has devoted much of her personal time to supporting both families and also the school staffing team to ensure that they are all in the best possible position to provide the children of Town Field Primary with what they need. As schools have returned she has adapted access and routines to make sure that staff and pupils are safe. The provision has been a real team effort for school driven strongly by Mrs Honeybone's determined attitude to give children in Doncaster the best possible start in life.”

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Cameron Robinson-Martin

“I am writing to you in order to nominate my eldest brother, Cameron Robinson-Martin, 25, who has worked tirelessly both throughout this pandemic and for over two years throughout the prison justice system.
He does absolutely everything for everyone around him, providing for both his partner and her own children. He always puts everyone else’s needs before his own, and always does everything he can to make sure that everyone in his family is happy and healthy. I personally believe that Cameron deserved to be nominated for this award because of his selfless and inspiring personality. He has helped so many people around him to achieve so much in their life, and I hope to follow down the same path as himself.”

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Nick Burne

“Nick is a trustee and one of the main organisers of the Doncaster Conversation Club. He is also the husband of Julia Burn - another amIng nominee!
He tirelessly works so hard for families in every way he can from sorting finances, paperwork home office issues housing health appointments, and many more things day in and day out. He is amazing.”