Hayley Beecher


Tell us how you were/are involved in Right Up Our Street. Tell us about your experience.

I was a Project Manager for RUOS. I helped design and manage the programme of work. From delivering consultations before any funding was secure to managing the Arts Supporter team and community strand of the project.

I now work as a freelance Project Manager for the RUOS team.


What was your most memorable Right Up Our Street moment?

The people I have met along the way stand out the most, through the initial consultations, the community teams, all the participants, partners and artists. 

I remember how special the project has always felt and how dynamic it has had to be through any challenges. I remember how excited people were at the prospect of choosing and creating work for their communities, families and friends. Seeing people participate who by their own admission would never ordinarily and hearing how the work had impacted them, makes it all worthwhile.

The Art work  and events are always awe-inspiring from a giant suspended Moon at the Minster and puppet parades to the more intimate portraits and films created during lockdown. The work is not always big and loud but it’s always full of heart, meaning and purposeful action. I love that about the project.


Has your involvement in the project changed your approach to working in the arts?

My approach to the arts is ever evolving and I’m forever learning along the way. I learn so much from who I work with. It’s a real privilege to be passionate about your work and to work alongside fellow creatives. I’ve always loved art that provokes a response and is about and for the people. The project allows me the flexibility I need to contribute, respects my skill set and values what I have to offer.


In your opinion, how does having a project like Right Up Our Street benefit the borough of Doncaster?

It’s something to be proud of!

When something good happens people want to talk about it, to share it, to pass on that feeling and experience.  

When people see something, take part in something, create something and it’s framed in an honest beautiful way it’s cause for a celebration. 

Art needs to be accessible for everyone to enjoy and this project works on a scale and sensitivity that allows for that.

I hope the project continues to  further benefit the borough by way of connecting it- it’s parts and it’s people.

Happy 10th Birthday Right up our Street! It’s good to be back!