Michéle Beck


Photography by Ant Robling


Tell us how you were/are involved in Right Up Our Street. Tell us about your experience.

I became involved with RUOS in 2018 as the project coordinator in a temporary role for Luke Jerram’s Museum of the Moon at Doncaster Minster. When the Creative People and Places projects got extended for a further three years I became the project and communication manager. 

The role at RUOS was dynamic and exciting and no two days were ever the same. Working directly with the community to shape and mould art was always the most rewarding part of the work for me. 

What was your most memorable Right Up Our Street moment?

So many… but I particularly enjoyed the art and poetry installations in Thorne - working alongside the sea cadets. The project consisted of a number of photography editing sessions using old / new photographs with photographer / artist Jamie Bubb and poet Lydia Allison. 

Has your involvement in the project changed your approach to working in the arts?

Yes definitely, the knowledge I acquired during my time with RUOS has helped me have the confidence to start my own business, it gave me a great grounding in accessing grants and the ability to do my own networking / forming of community partnerships. 

In your opinion, how does having a project like Right Up Our Street benefit the borough of Doncaster?

Doncaster has some incredible talent in local artists / poets / musicians RUOS has taken some of these and nurtured their talents and provided a platform and opportunities for them to showcase their work / network   there are also communities (although some harder to engage then others and this can be challenging at times) who want to improve their local towns / villages for their communities and celebrate them.