The Making of Depictions of DN


About the Film and Depictions of DN

Depictions of DN started as a social media campaign where we asked the Doncaster Community to nominate key workers or people who have gone above and beyond during the pandemic.

11 of these key workers were selected to take part in a film by James Lockey, which was accompanied by a musical score written by Hayley Youell. The score featured the South Yorkshire Police Band, The Doncaster Choral Society and the Swag/Swaglets Choir (darts).

The film would premier at our DN Festival of Light opening (The Community Launch) and to accompany the screening we had a live performance of the song ‘All Kinds (Courageous)’ featuring the South Yorkshire Police Band, Doncaster Choral Society and the darts Swag and Swaglets Choir.

The streets sleep yet they find a new beat, with the eighth chime
— All Kinds (Courageous)

The Recording Process

With three community groups coming together to create the soundtrack for the film with composer Hayley Youell, there had to be three separate recording sessions with safety measures in place for everyone to remain Covid safe. The groups recorded their parts in separate locations within a month and all the elements were arranged together with support from Andy Seward at Higher Rhythm.

The Swag and Swaglets Choir (darts)

The Swag and Swaglet choir came together at darts to record their part of the song. It was an extra special moment as it was one of the first times the choir had come together in person since the pandemic began. Hayley and Alice led the recording session with Andy recording the vocals. Have a listen to the behind-the-scenes clip to hear how fab they sounded when they recorded one of their parts arranged by Hayley.

South Yorkshire Police Band

Members of the South Yorkshire Police Band came together in Rotherham on a Sunday morning to record their sections in the piece.

We had the fantastic Lee Baker leading and conducting the band. It was wonderful hearing them play and the score Hayley composed was coming together beautifully.

Listen above to hear a section they recorded on the day.

Doncaster Choral Society

The Doncaster Choral Society, led by Simon, recorded their vocals in Cantley Methodist Church.

The final section that needed to be recorded. Covid was often a barrier in the recording process and rearranging of dates needed to be done. After the Doncaster Choral Society recorded their sections, we had successfully recorded all the wonderful Community Groups involved in the project.

Listen above to hear a behind the scenes recording of the Choral Society.

Unknown neighbour
Becomes saviour
Heroes laiden
Love’s courageous
— All Kinds (Courageous)

Performance at the DN Festival of Light Community Launch

The opening of the DN Festival of Light gave the three community groups the opportunity to come together and perform the score live, along with a premier screening of the film. The performance was a huge success and was the perfect way to open our DN Festival of Light.

Damien Allen introduced the performance and artist Hayley Youell. Watch the video below to hear the speeches and Hayley give more context to the song and her approach to the piece.

After Hayley’s speech, the community groups came together to perform the piece, with Hayley Youell singing the main vocals in the verses. This performance was extra special as some of the Depictions of DN Top Local Heroes were in the audience to see the film for the first time and hear the music come together.

We must try, we must fight to break stillness
In the darkest of times there’s a new light
— All Kinds (Courageous)

Filming with James Lockey

Following the public selecting their top local heroes from the Depictions of DN social media campaign, James Lockey began to film. Our Project Producer Beth Prior worked with James to co-ordinate filming times and locations with the extraordinary individuals who feature in the film.

It was wonderful to use so many different locations across Doncaster that was meaningful to the local hero being depicted that helped further the incredible stories we were sharing within the film. Locations included, Doncaster Royal Infirmary, Doncaster School for the Deaf, Town Field Primary School and several others.

Behind the Scenes of filming

To learn more about the individuals who took part in the filming and are our top local heroes, we are currently writing blog posts which gives you the opportunity to hear their stories after we interviewed them.

Thank you to every person who took part in this journey that has led to this wonderful film. To watch the final film and hear the recorded score click here.

“It's been a pleasure to celebrate all our local heroes in the filming of 'Depictions of DN'. To see first-hand the work being done and the difference our heroes have made in their community in such varied ways has been a privilege. We wanted to capture their stories in a special way so these achievements live on beyond the pandemic years and outside their communities. We've loved creating our tribute to our heroic key workers and volunteers - even when they didn't think they deserved it.”

Beth Prior, Project Producer for Right Up Our Street