Alison Alcock


 Tell us how you were/are involved in Right Up Our Street. Tell us about your experience.

I’ve only been involved with RUOS since March of this year and this was at the request of the Chief Exec of St Leger Homes to ensure that both organisations made the most of our engagement potential with the communities of Doncaster.  I’m so glad that I did get involved and now sit on the consortium it’s a fab organisation!

What was your most memorable Right Up Our Street moment?

Undoubtedly, the ability to work together for the Jubilee celebrations – St Leger Homes supported 26 community organisations celebrate the event and RUOS generously had designed activity packs which contains things like a crown template and placemat to colour in and decorate, also a quiz and they even supplied the coloured pencils.  We actually received 1320 activity packs to give to the groups all free of charge which really were to gratefully received by all – thanks RUOS.


How has your involvement in the project affected your understanding of the arts?

It’s really highlighted to me how much it gives people the chance to express themselves by varying means and not just picture form. 


In your opinion, how does having a project like Right Up Our Street benefit the borough of Doncaster?

It gives people within Doncaster the opportunity/and or experience that potentially they wouldn’t have to be part of a much bigger picture.  It’s also really something that does something for everyone and nobody is excluded and rightly so.