Natasha Clarke


Tell us how you were/are involved in Right Up Our Street. Tell us about your experience.

I am the Chair of Right Up Our Street’s Community Advisory Board. I feel really honoured when I was asked to fill this role as typically chairs for advisory boards are a lot older.

What was your most memorable Right Up Our Street moment?

Our trip to London to visit light specific exhibitions and installations. It was an incredible opportunity to venture outside of Doncaster to see what other galleries and artists were producing. I felt well looked after with Beth taking care of booking all the transport needed. Typically travelling to London can be expensive too and not accessible for everyone's budget, so this was a very grateful experience to get to go for the day with travel and lunch paid for.

Has your involvement in the project changed your approach to working in the arts?

It’s given me more confidence as a leader to chair and run these advisory sessions. It has also strengthened my communication abilities too. I have more of an awareness of cultural strategy, involving communities and what requirements are needed by specific arts council funding when approaching other work in the arts.

In your opinion, how does having a project like Right Up Our Street benefit the borough of Doncaster?

RUOS helps the public who wouldn’t necessarily engage with the arts to participate. They’re great at bringing high quality arts offerings to a range of communities in Doncaster.